Decide on your direction of travel and don't forget to indicate for those that need to know!

6 July 2020

During my 15 minute drive to work each day I encounter 17 roundabouts.  Its a pleasant journey with no nose to tail traffic and stopping only to give way at the roundabouts and a possible halt at a single set of traffic lights. 

This morning was no different except I noticed (not for the first time!) how many drivers did not use indicators or if they did they went in a different direction to the one they were indicating.  Because drivers choose not to indicate their direction of travel it leaves other drivers second guessing what they might do which can be very risky.

This could be applied in business too.  Second guessing what a client wants without them indicating or you asking is risky.  You can presume to know what they need or what they want or where they are going with their business but if they don't give you some indication there could be an accident.  

Bookkeeping is a skill and we work with business owners to provide them with the financial support and administration they need to keep their business moving forward.  But we can't do this without knowing what they want and then help them to identify what they need.  Trying to guess what our clients want is taking a risk, just as it is risky to presume a car driver is going in the direction they say they are. 

I always take time to talk to new enquirers to find out more about them and their business and most importantly of all why they are looking for a bookkeeper now.  It helps me to gauge what is needed, the urgency of their situation and what issues there may be, if any.  This discussion is important to establish a relationship and to identify whether it is work we can do or want to do.  It also gives the enquirer time to establish whether we are someone they can and would like to work with.

Any business owner who is only interested in how much it will cost will never appreciate the knowledge and expertise a good bookkeeper can bring to their business.  

Bookkeeping is not straightforward.  It can be complex.  It is more than being able to use a calculator or enjoying numbers.  Every business needs a different level of bookkeeping.  Most business owners don't know what they need but usually know what they don't want. Some time spent in discussion will help them understand what they need and a good bookkeeper will ensure they do receive the level of bookkeeping their business needs.

And as the business progresses the bookkeeping need and support changes.  We change with the business need but sometimes the business outgrows us and an in-house bookkeeper is needed for daily support.  I am still in touch with many of those business owners either for some one-off work or just for advice and support.  Its great to know that they want to retain that contact with someone who helped them be on the right track from the beginning.

Build a relationship with your bookkeeper.  They will support you far more than you ever anticipate.  And if cost is the only question you have you have only yourself to blame when an accident occurs because it was you who forgot to indicate.