Xero and Hubdoc - the paperless way of managing your accounts

30 October 2023

We have been using Xero since 2011 and in 2023 became a Gold Partner with 99% of our bookkeeping work being done on Xero.  Some of our clients do some work on Xero but for the majority leave it to us to keep their accounts up to date and provide them with monthly reports so they can track how their business is doing.

We started working with Hubdoc in 2020 and use this to receive our clients' electronic paperwork.  It is not only a document storage facility but it links with Xero so that we can allocate invoices and receipts in Hubdoc before publishing to Xero.  Every invoice or receipt is then attached to the transaction in Xero so it is easy for our client, ourselves or the accountant to review the document supporting the transaction.  

Electronic documents received by email can be forwarded to the specific Hubdoc email address for the business and a message can be added to the email which is very useful for receiving instructions about a particular purchase.

Allocating documents within Hubdoc saves time as it remembers the previous allocation which is great for invoices which are allocated to the same place on every occasion.  Fuel receipts, for example, are automatically read by Hubdoc and allocated so after a quick glance to ensure everything is correct, they can be published immediately.  Hubdoc can often pick up things which are difficult for us to read!

Receipts will be entered as Spend Money and will immediately be picked up by the bank feed.  Bills will go to Awaiting Payment and the payment can be allocated from the bank feed once paid.

Make the change

We have converted many businesses to Xero and Hubdoc.  Xero is very user friendly and Hubdoc saves manually entering invoices and receipts.  So if you want to make your life easier and save time connect Hubdoc - after all its free with your monthly subscription and once set up you will wonder how you managed without it!

And of course if you want to just get help with keeping your accounts up to date we can do that for you.  We will set up Xero, if you don't already have it, and connect Hubdoc for you so you can get started straight away with sending your invoices.

Contact our bookkeepers on 01722 341820 to see how we can help you become more efficient.